It's time to automate some processes. Here are three easy-to-automate business processes that will help your business stay organised and productive:
Our Story
We believe in two things to our core. That business people should be empowered to drive digital transformation, and that continuous improvement (taking an iterative and Lean approach) will always win the day.
We love that by just making a 1% improvement every day after a year that's almost a 38x return! Imagine if you could have a 38x improvement in anything? Efficiency, revenue, lead generation - yes please!
Our promise is that we will do everything we can to help you make those fine tunings to give you the results you are looking for!
Softborne's story
Boja (Founder and CEO) started Softborne Technology Solutions in 2016, initially as an offshore development centre to build and implement products for enterprises.
Boombirds' story
Boombirds, Softborne's flagship product, was founded in November 2017 by Boja, born out of a previous frustration as a small business owner himself. Boja wanted to help SME leaders to reduce the noise in their operations, allowing them to focus on business growth.
Having seen the benefits of Lean in software development, Boja wanted to bring these game-changing tools to businesses not previously exposed to it, by embedding Lean-based methodologies into the design of Boombirds. The MVP was successfully launched in November 2019, with the aim to help leaders to subconsciously reap the rewards of Lean themselves.
Since June 2020, we are now 100% focused on Boombirds and are serving customers from the Middle East (United Arab Emirates), South East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India), Australia and Africa.