It's time to automate some processes. Here are three easy-to-automate business processes that will help your business stay organised and productive:
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Want us to show you around? Enter your contact info and preferred time here.
Explore how successful businesses tap into the power of Kanban to run their operations successfully with this handy workbook! When you receive your email simply click on the link and you will be taken to our Knowledge Centre, for our no-nonsense and actionable guides to show you how Lean can look in practice in your organisation.
Looks like you’re gearing up to reopen soon, and we are with you all the way! We know this is an important opportunity to show you care about your customers and employees’ safety and wellbeing.
Boombirds is the right technology to help you ensure you follow the regulations for social distancing and a safe reopening.
Look out for more insightful and actionable (free) business content that we hope you will find useful.
Create and rapidly deploy your own unlimited digital capabilities, to address key service delivery related challenges
Create unlimited new capabilities with our Lean-based, Zero-code digital transformation platform
Leverage our comprehensive suite of solutions (Business Services, Audit Services, Field Services, Transporter Logistics & Retail Logistics)
Simplify assignment of users, with unique permissions, based on their role in each capability
We are an organisation built on Lean philosophies (with Kanban-inspired smartboards, value-stream mapping and Agile) and our zero-code PaaS has everything you would expect of an enterprise-class solution.
You can include custom branding, have your logo and colour palette across both the web portal and white-labelled mobile applications (Android and iOS)
As a major Enterprise you want more control due to potential complexities in governance. Boombirds for Enterprise offers the administration and security controls you need for peace of mind.
We pride ourselves in offering next level support, and you will benefit from prioritised access to our customer success and support teams through interactive chat, email and remote support services.
Whatever core systems you are using, rest assured our experienced professional services team can work with you to integrate them with our platform, built on micro-services architecture.
Boombirds has been designed and deployed in the AWS and Azure Cloud. We appreciate your data is your most precious commodity so you can also choose to have your data hosted in your private cloud infrastructure.
With our extensive experience in numerous global implementations, let us run your digital transformation program with our Implementation as a Service offering.
Our Professional Services team comes with a proven track record of delivering mission-critical enterprise projects together with our partners for major multinational clients
Interested to read more use cases?
To make your business more efficient, you need to automate the processes and workflow of it. This is where automation comes into play! In this blog post we'll explore five different ways that can help with those goals - including two specific examples: Business Process Automation (BPA) and Workflow Management Systems.